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How Does Hypnosis Work?

You are guided into a state of deep relaxation where your heart rate and blood pressure will slow down. Once this deep trance-like state begins and the brainwave activity slows down, then a state of hypnosis or a trance-like state begins where senses are heightened, and the conscious mind slows down allowing the subconscious mind to take over. This is where the subconscious mind is open and ready to absorb positive suggestions, open to modifying unwanted behaviors or forming new habits that you have already discussed with your hypnotist beforehand.

Your hypnotist will create a personalized session based on what you wish to achieve, and this is done by using visualization techniques and interactive techniques such as guided imagery. At the end of your session, your hypnotist will gently bring you to a waking state of consciousness where you will be fully awake and aware.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed or trance-like state where the mind can experience a heightened state of suggestibility, and increase in focus and imagination. We have all experienced the state of hypnosis naturally sometimes multiple times throughout the day where we experience a daydream-like state where we become unaware of time, and all outside stimulus is blocked out, and our conscious thoughts slow down allowing us to go into a trance like state.

Am I A Good Candidate for Hypnosis?

Yes, anyone with normal intelligence can be hypnotized. The most important thing is that you feel motivated and believe you can benefit from it, and that you are willing to fully cooperate with your hypnotist.

Have You Ever Had Anyone Who Could Not Be Hypnotized?

No, but I have had worked with clients that were at bit more challenged due to their high levels of stress, or very active minds. It is possible that a client is trying to hard to fall into a state of hypnosis, or or that they did not really believe it was possible, but I was still successful in getting them to fall into hypnosis, and it just took more time guiding them into a hypnotic state. This is where it is important to assess a client in order to know their needs, and determine the best way to guide them through their sessions to ensure the best outcome for them.

Are there people who should not be hypnotized?

Yes, there are people who should not try hypnosis and we should not try to hypnotize. For example, diagnosed schizophrenics and psychotics may have hallucinations or delusions so extreme that the communication necessary for a session isn’t possible. Those with autism spectrum disorder could be difficult to hypnotize because they do not respond to social cues in the same way as neurotypical people. Hypnosis requires a focused state of concentration people on psychotrophic drugs or with voices in their heads are unable to pay attention. A state of focus is most likely impossible in these cases.

Can I Be Hypnotized Without My Consent?

The short answer is “no.” Despite what you see in popular movies or television it is impossible to be forced or coerced into hypnosis. Hypnosis is not something done to you, and it can only work with your consent and cooperation. Suggestions only work when they are for your benefit, and with your approval. The subconscious mind will always protect your core beliefs and values, as well as your identity. So your subconscious mind will reject any beliefs or ideas that go against your belief system. Your hypnotist has no control over you under hypnosis, nor do you need to be concerned that you can be coerced into doing something that you would not normally do or anything that goes against your value system and beliefs.

Would I Reveal Any Secrets or Thoughts or Feelings I Am Not Comfortable Revealing?

No, once again you are fully aware of your surroundings, and you are in complete control of what is happening at all times, and all of the details about what your session should include. So, there is no reason to worry about revealing anything that you are not comfortable revealing.

There is quite a bit of misinformation about what real hypnosis sessions are like, and due to popular movies and television shows, along with stage hypnosis done for entertainment purposes, it can cause confusion or concern, but you are always in control and incapable of being coerced. Your subconscious mind is again always protecting you and would never allow you to reveal personal information that is private, and your subconscious mind would bring you to a waking state immediately if you were asked something you are not comfortable discussing or revealing.

Can I Become Stuck in a Hypnotic State?

No, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis. It has been my experience with a few clients that they take longer to emerge from hypnosis, but it is not possible to get stuck in a state of hypnosis. Your mind and body simply do not allow for this, because nature needs us to be in different states of consciousness over a 24-hour cycle. Every one of us has a compelling need to go in and out of psychological and physical states frequently. It is dangerous for survival to remain in one state for very long. Your brain simply will not allow it. For example, our ancestors evolved to snap their attention back to external reality at any sign of danger or threat in order to survive predators. So as humans we can always wake from trance at any moment when needed.

Do People Fall Asleep During Hypnosis?

Falling asleep during a hypnosis session while it can happen is rare. During a session it is common to drift from Beta to Alpha and to Theta brain waves, but it is almost assured you will not fall asleep and go into the Delta brain waves of deep sleep.
A well trained hypnotist can recognize your state and prevent you from falling asleep by bringing you back to a more alert state without taking you out of hypnosis. It is common during trance that clients feel as though they are asleep, but upon emerging from hypnosis recall everything that was said during their session. This is apparent, as the eyes quickly open when the hypnotist quietly counts them up, usually 1 to 5. If the client were asleep, a lot of effort is necessary to wake them up.

What Kind of Problems Can I Address With Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is effective for many concerns (addressing fear, social anxiety, quitting smoking, eliminating bad behaviors, adopting positive lifestyle changes, anger management, improving athletic performance in competition, weight loss, insomnia, managing substance abuse, enhance confidence, self-esteem, help with healing emotional scars and trauma PTSD, increase focus, and relieve anxiety with public speaking etc.) there is no limit to what you can address.
Hypnosis is also commonly used for medical and dental procedures, including major surgery (both pre and post-surgery) and pain management. It can accelerate healing. Advantages of medical hypnosis include (but are not limited to) less bleeding, faster recovery time, and the need for fewer postoperative medications. It is also an effective tool to prepare for hypno-birthing.

Can You Overcome Substance Abuse with Hypnosis?

Hypnosis offers a very powerful intervention for substance abuse. whether drinking problems, or for most addictive targets such as food, nicotine, prescription and street drugs. Hypnosis can support the development of clean and sober living skills, while providing support for relapse prevention strategies for dealing with stress, anxiety, and life issues after release from an inpatient treatment facility. Most people struggling with addiction problems have tried to quit many times and tried many ways to stop on their own. Applied properly, hypnosis can be a powerful tool to assist in your healing process.
I am not a licensed addiction counselor nor am I a physician, psychologist or psychiatrist. Hypnosis is not a substitute for a licensed addiction counselor, for rehab, for AA or other 12-step based programs, nor is it a substitute for a sponsor who understands what you are experiencing. Hypnosis complements the value of these experiences and can accelerate your journey of recovery. The only requirement I have to work with you is that you seek the essential appropriate professional and medical help you need.
Addiction is a complex problem. To be effective, the client should commit to a series of hypnotherapy sessions at the outset. One visit will not be effective. Most people who are open to trying hypnotherapy can tell if it is working within the 1-3 sessions. And quite often, people have noticeable relief after the first session. After that, sessions can either be stretched out to a maintenance level of once every two to four weeks, or even more often if the client desires.

Hypnosis is one of many possible tools in your tool kit. It is not a magic bullet or a cure, nor does it take the place of regular AA/NA meetings, a competent sponsor, professional counseling, and a compelling desire to stop drinking and get well. No one can tell you how many hypnosis sessions it may take for you to stop drinking, as multiple factors are involved and hypnosis is an aid, not a cure.

By the time you realized drinking or another substance had become a problem for you, it had also become part of your coping mechanisms (how you deal with the world). This means that under certain (or even all) circumstances, drinking alcohol or engaging in other addictive substances became a part of the way you cope, or deal with, the world. For example, you might use it to deal with social anxiety, career stress, relationship issues and more. Your life has come to automatically, unconsciously include alcohol or other addictive substances.

You are of great worth and value. Your life is important. KNOW THIS – you may be dealing with a horrible problem, but that does not make you a horrible person. There is a wonderful human being inside that has been traumatized by a horrible addiction. This does not make you a horrible person. Hypnosis will help you to recover your authentic self and take care of yourself appropriately.

Hypnosis will help you create new positive, healthy coping mechanisms. In order to successfully stop drinking, it is critically important to your recovery that you find other, healthy and positive ways to deal with your problems. This is where hypnotherapy becomes an essential, powerful tool, facilitating behavioral change, new positive beliefs, rebuilding confidence and self-esteem and creating an internal environment that allows you to choose, one day at a time, to act differently.

Spirituality: Your spiritual tradition or beliefs can be accessed and enhanced in hypnosis to empower you and let you know you are not alone. A person's spiritual tradition can be the single most powerful source of strength and encouragement. Spirituality (more specifically, surrendering to a high power) is a key part of the Alcoholics Anonymous traditions. You are not required to believe in God, however, you do have a fundamental need to acknowledge that you are powerless over alcohol or other drugs, and admit that there is something greater, a power outside of yourself, who will guide and assist you on your journey. You already know you are not in control, or you would not be seeking help.
You can be assured that all hypnosis sessions and life coaching will be compassionate, without judgment, and will meet you exactly where you are today.
There is no cure for being an addict, but YOU CAN end addictive behavior.

Can I Address Multiple Problems with One Session?

The short answer to this is no. The main reason for this is that the subconscious mind is like a toddler and needs very simple, clear and concise instructions, so introducing multiple things during a session is confusing to the subconscious mind. It is possible to combine certain issues in one session if they are inter-relatable. For example, if a client is experiencing anxiety in social settings, and afraid of public speaking, then these issues can be inter-connected and possible can be addressed together.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

While most clients can experience results within one session it is important to remember that multiple sessions are needed in order to create a lasting change and optimal result. Think about how long you have experienced problems surrounding your issue, how long you have carried it around, and to be able to change it in one session is not realistic. Once you are committed to addressing your issue, and creating lasting change, then you can experience the benefits of hypnosis. Therefore, it is recommended that you follow through with at least six sessions to address every aspect of your problem and the issues that surround it. There is a free consultation where this can be discussed before booking a session.
Most clients who have experienced lasting changes in their lives agree that whether it takes 3, 6, 10 or 20 sessions the result is invaluable to enhance the quality of their life. I create a structured plan, customized hypnosis sessions designed for you, along with clear concise steps for follow-through to help you create the change you wish to see in your life.
Hypnosis works as a surprisingly efficient tool, and in six to 10 sessions you can undo a lifetime of unwanted beliefs or bad behaviors that you struggled to successfully address. This is the benefit of hypnosis, and it is worth multiple sessions in order to ensure the best outcome if needed.

Is Hypnosis Medically Approved?

Yes. Hospitals in the U.S. now use and teach hypnosis, such as Stanford University School of Medicine in San Francisco, the Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

Hypnosis was first officially recognized as a viable therapeutic tool by the British Government through the Hypnotism Act in 1952. Then, in 1958 both the British and the American Medical Associations (AMA) sanctioned the official use of hypnosis by physicians. In 1958, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) also approved hypnotherapy for use by professionally responsible individuals. It has become commonly accepted to use hypnosis for medical and dental procedures, including major surgery. More people are choosing hypnosis over anesthesia for surgery, and there are definite medical advantages offered by hypnosis including less bleeding, faster recovery time, and the need for fewer postoperative medications.